So, you've probably heard about Planet Fitness and how they revoked a woman's pass because she complained about a transgendered woman in the locker room. And of course, most comments about it have been downright stupid.
"I bet there will be problems when sexual assault goes through the roof"
"I bet there will be problems when sexual assault goes through the roof"
First of all, if a man wants to do that, he doesn't need to lie about his gender identity to go through with it. Because, before this, no man has EVER been able to get into a woman's bathroom or changing room. I did by accident once...
Second, don't give me this false sense of caring about women. I didn't go into any extensive research into every commenter's history, but how much do you want to bet that they are the biggest rape apologists out there?
Lastly, no one seems to care about men sharing a locker room with a trans man. Can't men be uncomfortable around a biological woman identifying as a man? Can't a man be sexually assaulted by a woman? Oh right, we're operating under "homosexuality is disgusting, unless two women are going at it!" logic. It's fine because men get to stare at boobs. Thanks for reinforcing more stereotypes.