My Fellow Americans, prejudice is alive and well. Although we as a society have tried to move past prejudice, there is one group of people the liberal media loves to attack: Rain-Lovers.
Every day, Rain-Lovers like me must face ridicule in the media almost daily. That might sound redundant, but you don’t understand the pain. Days are judged to be bad simply on the presence of rain. Sunny days are deemed far superior to the “filthy rainy days”.
Does Rain make a weekend bad?
Does Sun necessarily make a day any better?
The pure hatred visible on the faces of the news anchors and the anti-rainistic laden statements spewing from their mouths is too much for me to bear. How can this be allowed in America?
Anti-Rainism must be stopped. My spell check doesn’t even recognize the word ‘Anti-Rainism’. We need to stop this open prejudice and welcome open discussions on the usefulness of rain.
We need rain. Rain causes food to grow. The hypocrisy of complaining about droughts and then cursing the rain when it comes shows us just how far we need to advance as a society.
Please, keep an open mind. When you see a “weatherman” start to spew his Neo-Sun agenda, please complain to the news station to have this hate-filled person removed. We do not need people like this indoctrinating our children.
Thank You
Well said Josh... well said. I really couldn't have said it better.