From an Associated Press article on, “The cover story entitled ‘The Crazy Redskins Fan's Guide to Dan Snyder,’ has an altered photo of the owner with horns and a beard drawn in pen. The suit claims the weekly newspaper used ‘lies, half-truths, innuendo and anti-Semitic imagery to smear, malign, defame and slander’ Snyder.”
This is the picture:
According to Snyder and idiots who listen to NPR, this constitutes anti-Semitism. “Because Jews were portrayed with horns at one point in history, drawing horns on Snyder (he’s Jewish) is a subtle form of anti-Semitism”
Bull. Shit.
So by that logic, all these images are anti-Semitic:
I thought the “Blood Libel” incident was stupid. The problem with Palin’s video was her choice to attack and place blame on her enemies after the Tucson shooting, not some phrase that has evolved to mean more than its original intention.
This takes the cake. Depicting a Billionaire asshole who sues cash-strapped widows for trying to return their season tickets as the devil is not anti-Semitism. It’s a political cartoon.
When we distract ourselves with fake anti-Semitism, we ignore real injustice, bigotry, and hate.
Oh, I also love people who make themselves look like a dick but get all whiney when someone accurately reports their douche-baggery and files a suit with the intention of bankrupting the newspaper as punishment. I think suing old ladies and bankrupting businesses does more to “smear, malign, [and] defame” your own name than some newspaper I never heard of reporting the truth.
(P.S. Some caller actually sided with Dicky Asshat McDouche because the Washington City Paper is liberal trash and should be bankrupted. The guest on the show asked him if he really believed that it was ok for billionaires to bully companies that he politically disagreed with and the caller said ‘yes’. The guest responded by saying ‘I think there is a president in Egypt that would like to talk to you!’ So much for “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.)
I just like this scene
"And he's yelling and screaming and bleeding all over and I'm like 'Hey, come on! Don't you get it?'"