Sunday, July 24, 2011

The MSU Party!

I think I have attacked Liberals enough (wow, TWO whole posts in about two months! I’m out of control!) I have a few more anti-Liberal posts that I have been working on, but I want to talk about this.

The Republican Party is referred to as the “GOP” or Grand Old Party (even if the Democratic Party is older). I think it should be the “MSU Party” or Make Shit Up Party. To me, it seems like Republicans or Conservatives just make up things to use as arguments. In essence, they perfectly represent “Truthiness”.

We had Palin make her Paul Revere gaffe. She said that he sent “those warning shots and bells” to warn the “British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms…” To be fair to Palin, we were technically British, but the way she said it, it sounds like Mr. Revere was warning the other British, the ones we were about to take our guns, that they were going to take our guns. I’m not sure how firing guns and ringing bells in the dead of the night to secretly warn people would be a good idea. Sarah’s fans are so graceful when their idol makes a mistake that they actually started vandalizing Paul Revere’s page on Wikipedia to make her correct. That’s right Conservatives, change history to make it fit to your beliefs! Anybody else thinking of 1984? Of course Palin did not admit she was wrong and claimed she was caught by a "Gotcha" question (even though she wasn't asked at all about Paul Revere...)

Speaking of which, remember the Texas School BookControversy? Jefferson was actually a right-wing Bible thumper and Joseph McCarthy was an unsung hero of the 1950s! Why should Historians determine history when it can be done by a dentist? (To be honest, you can teach Jefferson Davis’ Inaugural alongside Lincoln’s. It would be a good way to compare and contrast the different causes of the war (although I doubt that was the plan here)).

I guess it doesn’t matter what your argument is, because it doesn’t mean it was intended as a factual statement. Representative John Kyl made the statement that “over 90% of Planned Parenthood services are abortions”. When it was revealed that it is only 3% of what PP does, his office replied “his remark was not intended to be a factual statement, but rather to illustrate that Planned Parenthood, a[n] organization that receives millions of dollars in taxpayer funding, does subsidize abortions”. So nice to know that when you quote statistics to make a point, they don’t have to be accurate!

 Yes, this clip again...

Kind of like the economy and budget crisis. Republicans like to keep claiming that government spending crowds out private investment and by cutting spending, private businesses will boom! I could point out that 11 of the top 25 richest counties surround the District of Columbia or that Conservative Economists don’t even agree with what Republicans are saying… You can be the economic master Michelle Bachmann and just claim everything the White House says is just scare mongering (unlike those 'Death Panels' from the Healthcare "debate") and that we can easily just cut $1.5 Trillion from our budget overnight to pay our bills, even if every economist, left or right, is predicting bad things and major bond rating agencies are thinking of lowering our bond rating…(do I need to provide a link?)

You can keep claiming that you have a mandate from the people to kill our fiscal future, if it even existed...

Do I need to even get started on evolution?

Republicans, just keep making shit up. Don’t listen to reality, facts, science, logic, experts. Your gut filled with shit is all you need. Just keep speaking out of both sides of your mouth!

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