I’ve been backlogged a bit on this blog. There are just so many things in politics that drives me up a wall right now that I can’t coherently write something substantial. Besides, I think most of my opinions are just the regurgitation of what I read in the Washington Post.
What bothers me?
The National Portrait Gallery removing a video with 11 seconds of ants on a crucifix because offended-by-everything head of the Catholic League Bill Donahue thought it was hate speech. Republican partisan a-holes in Congress want to deny funding to the Smithsonian (the exhibit was funded by private donors) because they need to win every battle in this Culture War.
No, This is Phil Donahue
Or how I learned that the current Healthcare law is actually modeled on previous Republican ideas, but because Obama is an evil Muslim, terrorist, socialist, Nazi, Republicans sat back and blocked everything because they are huge dicks.
Or when Boehner and others calls this country’s healthcare the “best in the world” when the facts clearly show that we don’t and lag behind many industrialized western nations. They oppose government healthcare, but live off of it as Congressman and say how excellent it is!
Or how the START II Treaty is stalled because Republicans don’t want to give Obama any kind of victory, even if the treaty has wide bipartisan support from former Cabinet officials, Presidents from both parties, and everyone outside of Congress. Hey, it’s not 1980s anymore! Actually, Reagan did sign a very similar treaty in the 1980s...
You know what Republicans? Stop acting like babies. Why do you have this vendetta against Obama? The very moment he stepped out into the spotlight, Republicans were out for a kill. Democrats gave Bush a chance to screw up. When the Democrats criticized the president during wartime, the right called it treason. When Democrat elf-man Dennis Kucinich wanted to censure Bush, not a single prominent Democrat stood up. They were like, “We shouldn’t focus on partisan crap! We need to focus on the interests of the people!”
The congressman who apologized to BP for, heaven forbid, making them responsible for their actions sent out a PowerPoint to Republican leaders asking for a Committee position. He compared the Republican leadership to Eisenhower, Omar Bradley, and (himself) George Patton and called on them to attack Obama like the three men did to Germany. What disgusting partisan shit. Do Republicans really think that Obama is just as great a threat to this country as Nazi Germany???
If Republicans were a person, a doctor would give him pills for Hypertension and send them to an insane asylum for excessive paranoia and delusions.
Why do I care? Why do I let this bug me so much? Because these idiots are in power or are going to be in power. I really want to be a Congressman. I love this nation and I want to serve it. Unfortunately, my social skills are shot and I hate being a leader. I simply wouldn’t know how to get things done or even organize a campaign team. Voting is a terrible way to get your voice out there. 90% of districts are drawn to favor one party or another. Of the 435 open seats in Congress in 2010, ~70 seats were ‘competitive’ (I know that number is not 90%. It’s called a Hyperbole). In a presidential election, only 10 states are really swing states because the states have become so partisan. Can you believe Ford won California and Carter won Texas in 1976?
Light Grey: Important States. Dark Grey: Screw You States
Well, maybe I’ll use this blog for more funny ventures in the future. I’ll leave my partisan rants in my mind.
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