(I may need to clarify something. I do not believe that Sarah Palin actually referred to the cross hairs as surveying marks. Supposedly a conservative pundit made the remark and Palin's aides seemed to take that explanation as a way to out of the mess.)
Sarah, do you really need me as your speechwriter or PR consultant?
Recently, Palin released a video on Youtube (that I can’t find), breaking her silence on the shooting that occurred last Saturday. As you may be aware, some of the liberal nut jobs online started blaming her and conservative hate-filled rhetoric for the shooting. They’ve claimed that the vitriolic language encouraged the unbalanced Jared Lee Loughner to shoot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, killing six (one happened to be a nine-year-old girl born on September 11th) and wounding 14 others. The Congresswoman’s condition is improving daily.
As I’ve mentioned, most sane people know that this man was deranged and that conservative language had nothing to do with the shooting. It was a tragedy. However, Sarah Palin thought this would be a great time to go on the offensive and attack the liberal media and act like she was the real victim. Yes, the attacks on her are unfair, but this is not what the country wants to hear. Why couldn’t she say what I wrote? On the same day, President Obama gave a speech at a memorial service for the victims and received high praise for it, even from Glenn Beck.
I frankly don’t believe the crap that ‘blood libel’ is anti-Semitic. I believe the term has evolved past the whole “Jews use the blood of children for their rituals” thing. The fact that she would use such strong language to describe these unfounded attacks at this time is a little tasteless.
What bothers me is that some conservative pundits don’t want to keep the logical high ground. They can make the reasonable argument that the man was crazy, but always end by saying “liberals are worse! Here are examples X, Y, and Z!” I thought your point was to not politicize this tragedy, and then you politicize it.
One reason the “mean rhetoric” debate is being brought up is because Gabrielle Giffords herself complained about it. That map with crosshairs? She herself thought it was in bad taste and could lead to trouble. The map wasn’t just picked at random by liberals to point the finger; it was a problem a year ago.
The other reason is this; the tragedy showed us how human we really are. Giffords faced a really tough and bitter re-election in 2010 in which a lot of vile language was thrown around. Then we remembered she was a human when she was shot, not some horrible anti-American monster. We need to get off this “they are the enemy” belief and handle the issues in a civil manner and work together. Never wish for someone to be dead, because it could happen.
I have another issue to bring up, but it would be hypocritical of me to do so. I will wait at another time to bring it up.
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