Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why I hate, nay, FEAR Michelle Bachmann.

Michelle Bachmann was once the front runner in the race to the Republican nomination for President. She and Mitt Romney battled for the hearts of the far-right for a while and she won the Iowa Straw poll, a meaningless indicator of how well a candidate will fare in the actual primaries. Now she seems to be fading since Rick Perry has joined the race and has taken the lead.

I couldn’t be happier.

I am not a Rick Perry fan, although I like that his candidacy could help re-elect President Obama. Also, I don’t see him as great as a threat that Michelle Bachmann is to this nation.

For awhile, I felt this strange feeling towards the Congresswoman. It was an unexplainable hatred and dislike for her. If asked if I could describe why I didn’t like her, I couldn’t. At least not in a coherent manner. I disagreed with her on many issues, but of course I would, I am a Liberal and she, a Conservative. But my disagreement was not at the same level as I had for George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, or Rick Perry. It was a burning hatred within my soul that only her creepy eyes could light.

Then I realized it; fear breeds hate.

I was afraid.

But what should I be afraid of, besides just those eyes?

I fear the Christian Right in this country. I find their beliefs to be un-American, or at least the America I know. Bachmann is clearly a member of that group. How could she not, with her “curative therapy” of homosexuals her and her unlicensed husband perform at their clinic?

What scares me the most about Michelle Bachmann is that I do not know where her beliefs come from. She claims her religious awakening came when she was 16 years old and entered a church. She began “weeping before the Lord” because she was a “sinner” with a heart that “needed to be cleaned”. She then, in her own words, “radically abandoned” herself to God.

Where did this come from? How do you wake up on Sunday without a care in the world and then wake up the next day at 5 AM religiously reading the Bible? Yes, my beliefs have evolved since I was 13 and I can look back and wonder what the Hell I was thinking. But here is the key difference, my thoughts evolved, meaning it was a process that took years of self reflection before I arrived to where I am at, and they are still evolving. I didn’t wake up one morning, pull a 180, and become an ardent believer for life. I feel like her conversion is like some of these homegrown terrorists. A person with no strong political or religious stances views a few websites and 24 hours later, they’re talking about blowing up a car in the name of Allah.

That is why I am terrified of Michelle Bachmann, I don’t know why she believes what she believes. But holds those beliefs, she does. Strongly. I feel like she has completely sacrificed her free will and thought to something so quickly without understanding why she did so in the first place. Because of her mindless devotion to God, she can’t separate politics and religion. To be a good American, you must be a Republican. To be a good Republican, you must be a Christian. Therefore, a good American must be a Christian, her kind of Christian. She cannot view an opponent as someone who disagrees with her. In her eyes, those creepy creepy eyes, they are the enemy of America and God. Capitalism is Christian. Jesus is a Republican. Communism is a tool of the Devil. Liberalism is conspiring to rob you of God and Country. You might as well be supporting Satan if you support the Health Care Reform.

When I am choosing a leader of the Free World, I want a Leader, someone who thinks for themselves and comes to complicated decisions through thought and logic, not a mindless drone of God. Michelle Bachmann is still a 16 year old, she thinks she knows everything.

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