I would like to apologize in advanced for not having as many cited references. Feel free to disregard my opinion as I do not have actual “evidence” of my claims. If you really care, try Googling it.
First, I shat my pants after reading this article. Maybe I am just overreacting. Maybe it’s like the Republicans saying horrible things will happen to the country if Democrats win in 2006. Of course Democrats were not, and are not as crazy as Republicans now. Who knows? I should take a chill pill.
Bachmann seems to have slipped from first (thank God), and the race is between Perry and Romney. I still think Mitt Romney has the best chance of winning because he is not as crazy as the rest of them. I think Jon Huntsman is even better, going after the people blasting evolution and globalwarming. Unfortunately, Huntsman does not have much of a chance in the circus sideshow that is the Republican Primaries.
The Republican candidates are giving the Democrats plenty of fodder to work with, but the Democrats aren’t working with it. The Republican Party took the nation’s and world’s fiscal stability hostage to create an artificial crises to get huge budget cuts because the Government spending is “Out of Control”, ie, the nation is in a Recession, therefore welfare spending has gone up. They made up a problem and then made up a crisis to address the made up problem. If you cannot get people to hate that party and vote them out then you have some serious problems. The Tea Party is less popular than Atheists! My father who once told “I share a lot of beliefs with the Tea Party” now hates them with a passion. The Democrats need to start defending their programs and aggressively attacking the Republicans. Polls show that the public backs the Democrats. Even thought Democrats lost to special elections, the issues that won were “Israel” and being a “Washington Insider”. In other words “non-issues” or issues the public does not care about. Democrats won in a very conservative NY district (my old district!) in the spring of this year. What was the issue? Medicare, an issue people DO care about now. Even though the Republicans won on non-issues, they were able to win on non-issues. They are very good at that.
President Obama has responded to people who ask him why he isn’t fighting hard enough, by stating that “he is doing everything he can”. I’m sorry sir, but we are getting a perception that you are not fighting hard enough. The debate always starts to the right and Democrats are only fighting to prevent it from going further to the right. Factcheck.org should not be the only place where I can find people debunking Republican claims; it should be coming from the Democrats. Issues are not enough to win elections. You need to win over the people.
For the Liberals, you need to stick by the President. I’m sooooooo sorry that the president can’t be more Liberal. But who would you rather have; a moderately Liberal President or a Far-Right President? It’s the same reason why Hillary supporters didn’t vote for McCain; they cared more about Ideology.
And for the love of God, Liberal, VOTE! For a group that is synonymous with “activism”, you sure are lazy. They complained throughout the 2010 election, but stayed away from the polls. If you were really that worried about Republicans, WHY DIDN’T YOU F*CKING VOTE?!?
Remember these people could be president if you don’t vote:
If Democrats can start defending their position and attacking Republicans, they can win the election. The House could change back, but the Senate will be an uphill battle. Most Senators up for re-election will be Democrats. As long as Bachmann and Perry open their mouths and Obama exploits it, he can win. Polls support the Democrats, now they just need to get the public to vote for them.
I don’t have a map like last time, because I frankly don’t know and I don't want to get another long winded essay on how bad the electoral college is. Thanks, random commentor, but did you read my post or do you just spend all of your time looking for blog posts that might be vaguely about the electoral college and post your essay?
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