Thursday, November 17, 2011

Quick Thoughts on a Rick Perry Article.

Just thought I would share some quick thoughts on Rick Perry I had from this CNN article

“Perry pledged to appoint anti-abortion judges to the Supreme Court in hopes of overturning Roe vs. Wade…”

I just hate Activist Judges! You know, the ones that make decisions based on their beliefs, disregard judicial precedent, and make and overturn laws? The only way to combat these Activists is to appoint Judges who will make decisions based on their beliefs, disregard judicial precedent, and make and overturn laws!

“- Repeating a proposal first introduced in his book Fed Up, Perry said he would install term limits on ‘unelected activist judges.’”

That would mean your Activist Judges will also have limits. Which means a Democrat could be in power when the judge finishes their term, and you will still get Activist Judges being appointed. I mean, “Bad” Activist Judges will still be appointed.

“…[Perry] explained that states should be allowed to make their own decisions on [abortion] until a constitutional amendment banning the practice is passed.”

So, is this an issue for the States or the Federal government, Perry? The States should have the final word on whether or not they want abortion until the Federal Government says otherwise? You can't have your cake and eat it too, Perry. Either claim it is an issue for the States, or call for an Amendment. You can't do both.

“- Pointing to the part-time legislature in Texas, he proposed creating a ‘part-time Congress’ by drastically slashing legislative salaries and reducing the amount of time members of the House and Senate are required to spend in Washington.”

I partially agree with cutting salaries, but how will FORCING members of our government to stay away from the government going to help? I understand that if you stay in D.C. too long you will lose touch with the people, but is that something that needs to be legislated? I want the members of Congress to work MORE, not LESS! How are you putting “people first” when you aren’t allowing them to work for the people? It sounds like you are just going to create a bunch of elitist snobs out of Congress if they don’t have to work, still get paid more than the common man, and just spend time hanging out with supporters in their districts. Progress!

Is that part-time Texas Legislature responsible for that $25 Billion budget shortfall you had earlier this year? Oh, and it’s nice to know that you spent the Stimulus to cover most of the 2009 deficit

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