Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Time for a change?

Making the rounds on Facebook yesterday was this picture:

There were comments like this:

Do you see what we are buying from the corporate elite? They will provide numerous distractions, all at a price. We need to see our own place in the world and make our own decisions.

And this:

Who says the government controls the media? Maybe those magazine covers illustrate that? No there is freedom of speech here, the government would never regulate that, would they?

And this:

World revolution makes US consumers nervous. "Will I be able to get my stuff?"

Yes, the paranoid, conspiratorial, anti-corporation, left-wing was out and about voicing their concerns about corporate censorship, the loss of the First Amendment, and how we're all a bunch of stupid sheeple that need to be sheltered from bad things or else we won't buy useless crap and blah blah blah.

Apparently there is never a non-sinister explanation behind anything anymore.

However, ONE person still has a strong head on his shoulders and made this comment:

This doesn't appear to be censorship, just Time's view of what the U.S. population wants. If you review their previous issues, the cover is often different for the U.S. issue. Sometimes it's different for all four regions. Only occasionally is it the same for all regions: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/0,9263,7601111031,00.html

In my opinion, it speaks to the US-centric focus of the American people more than it speaks to censorship. Time magazine aims to make money, and if Americans will buy more magazines if they use a different cover, they'll use the other cover.

There was not one thing said in that post that I didn’t agree with. That was spot on. I don't think I could have said it better myself. Look through the archives. The cover varies from region to region. Why? Because each region may have a different interest. Tintin is not popular in the United States, but he is popular elsewhere. Why cover that here in the states? Vol. 128 No. 20 almost has a different cover per region. When it does differ, sometimes it is because the cover story was already used a few weeks prior. Sometimes, they are all the same.

What the covers do bring up is that the average American citizen does not care for the world beyond our shores. I think that is disappointing as this nation does play a huge role in the world and we should be more aware of what is going on. The world is interconnected, with events in one corner influencing another. I do think Afghanistan is important for us to read about. You know, with that war thing going on. And a greater understanding of Islam is sorely needed in this country. But hey, that’s the free market; they are going to sell what is in demand. However, as a news source, it is their responsibility to inform the citizens, even if it isn’t popular. But what can you do? Have the government tell them what to publish? That’s not very free and democratic.

The people at Time aren’t evil villains getting a hard-on knowing that they are trying to keep us sheltered. They are just business people who probably need to do a little more to educate the American people on foreign issues.

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