I came across this article online and found it absolutely hilarious. Not because it was trying to be funny, but because the article is terribly written by someone overreacting. I will warn you that this article may trigger some emotions. Read it at your own risk!
Will feminists ever complain about something important?
I think the title was enough of a warning. I'm going to list a few problems with this article.
If you didn't care about this one woman's complaint, why did you write this article? The author mentions that, "On June 21, 2012, my list of the Top 30 Hottest Women in Politics was published. The only opinions about it that I value are those of the women on the list." He also stated, "After I scrolled through about thirty pages (very bored), her criticism
reared its ugly head. That tells me that in the big scheme of things,
she is not widely read. Being attacked by CNN interests me. Being
attacked by unknowns is boring." Also, who are you to talk? Who are you? I have never even heard of you before this article and you act as if you are Walter Cronkite.
If people didn't think you were sexist before, they will definitely think that now after reading this article! Let's see, what did you say again?
- Rush Limbaugh once pointed out that feminism was created to give ugly women a chance in society. Hot women don't need feminism, which is why feminists despise hot women to begin with... Rush Limbaugh is starting to look like an even bigger genius.
- The woman writes under a screen name and does not post a picture...She wants me to judge women based on their personalities and not their looks. Her looks are a mystery. Therefore, any comment about me finding her repulsive is solely based on what appears to be a revolting personality
- Unsurprisingly, a few college girls at Brandeis University are the offended ones. Perhaps they are training to be future Sandra Fluchs. If these women ever enter the real world they can then talk to me about what is offensive.
Yes, let's show how not sexist you are by showing how sexist you are. I think the best way is stating that feminists are all ugly women who are jealous of hot women because they can't get laid and can't get by in life with their looks. His profile on the Washington Times website says he is a comedian. I'll be honest, I don't understand conservative humor. I can't tell when a conservative is being funny or serious. Everything that comes out of their mouth sounds like an unfunny joke to me.
Thank you so much for actually letting the readers see her actual words! I can't judge for myself if this woman really is overreacting and being a cry baby because the author fails to actually use any of her words from her article or provide a link. He explains why,
- For those building successful online presences, never "argue downward." Do not elevate those who have not succeeded on their own. Those who can only build up by tearing others down deserve their anonymity. Therefore, providing a link to this woman's site serves no purpose
I love the "pretending to take the high ground while not showing my critic's comments to make them a straw man" technique. All he says is that his post was listed under the "Misogynist Musings of the Month" section and that she wrote, "she wants me to judge women based on their personalities and not their looks". Well, that certainly doesn't warrant the kind of response that you took in this article. If I had her exact words in front of me, maybe I could actually form an opinion. Instead, I'm treated to a anti-feminist rant by an egotist.
Because I don't have access to her words, I would like to know if this woman was upset over the article posted on the Washington Times website, or the "raw, uncensored version" you link to on said article, in which you refer to these women as "Yummy Bouncies"? What else to you have to say?
Because I don't have access to her words, I would like to know if this woman was upset over the article posted on the Washington Times website, or the "raw, uncensored version" you link to on said article, in which you refer to these women as "Yummy Bouncies"? What else to you have to say?
- Technically this is not much different from listing the top 30 hottest political women, except that the focus is on their T and A.
- From the front, I dream of playing sexual volleyball, bouncing them vigorously. From the backside, I hope to play Sir Mixalot’s “Baby Got Back,” while giving them the ketchup bottle treatment.
- The list has been divided into the top 10 liberals, centrists, and conservatives. Given that they were all anatomically correct, this added up to 20 breasts and 20 hides per all three political denominations.
- Pictures of all of the women are included, but because they were all fully dressed in the pictures, some would say that makes the exercise pointless.
- To the best of my knowledge, I have had sex with none of them.
- For those wondering why the girl I like is not on the list, the answer is simple. I value my existence. There is not a woman on earth that compares to her in my opinion. Her body is a temple, and I hope to enjoy worshiping at her altar. Yep, her holy grail is quite holy indeed.
You honestly don't think this is considered sexist? See, what you are doing here is "objectifying", to present or regard as an object. When you say your focus is on their "T and A", count them by counting their breasts and butts (20 hides per section? Are you counting each ass cheek separately?), apologize that you have pictures of them fully dressed, and I don't know what the hell the "ketchup bottle treatment" is, THAT is being sexist! And I would like to know who this woman is in your life and what the fuck she sees in you.
Now, I'm going to get a little more nit-picky with this article. Focusing on writing and nonsensical statements and arguments. I'll be the first to admit that I make mistakes while writing. I'm human. But I'm just some punk-kid on a free blogging site. He's supposedly a big shot with a big newspaper! I think it is appropriate to hold him to a slightly higher standard.
- "Her website is amusing. It is a feminist community organizing site that actually teaches women how to write complaint letters. Now that will look good on a resume. Most prospective employers are dying to hire professional complainers."
Another nice little personal attack, but what is your point? I don't think it is surprising that a site like this would provide that kind of service. I received 3.27 million hits on Google by searching "how to write complaint letter". Do you know who provides this information? The New Hampshire Department of Justice: Office of Attorney General, The Consumerist, USA.gov, and millions of other sites, plus advertisements on the side for books on the subject. Plus I think experience writing form letters might be handy in an office environment. You really needed that extra punch, didn't ya?
- "Golub commits an egregious crime with his misogynistic and pompous pontification." A crime? Beneath the failed onomatopoeia and the hysterical hyperbole is a simple solution for this woman. She may not need a man, but she certainly needs a thesaurus.
Onomatopoeia? There is nothing in the entire article remotely onomatopoetic (Definition: the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss)). You mean alliteration? I think you need a dictionary, or a new editor. (I'm sorry if that sounded like a personal attack. I wouldn't want to do that. Like I wouldn't want to point out how you criticize the crybaby for not having a profile picture, whereas the one you have shows you with your mouth wide open like an idiot. That kind of thing is beneath me.)
Now, here is the most unintentionally funniest and stupidest things mentioned in the article:
- 1.) Radical Islamists are trying to kill us all. Women in Muslim countries are beaten, stoned, raped, and shot for trying to drive a car or walk outside unaccompanied by a male. Those who take a tough stand against this are the good guys. Those who do nothing about it are not. George W. Bush is a feminist hero for freeing millions of women in Iraq and Afghanistan. Barack Obama is a zero for leaving women in Syria to get murdered for sport.
- 2.) Global trafficking of young girls is evil. George W. Bush spoke about this throughout his presidency and took active steps to combat it. Barack Obama does not bother to wax poetic about the subject, since there are no electoral votes at stake. Once again, George W. Bush is the feminist hero on this one.
- I love the "Westerner who has never been overseas and all knowledge of Muslims comes from Fox News" interpretation of "Muslim Nations". From what I have heard from people who have actually been there, it isn't the hell-hole as portrayed by western media. I'm not saying this stuff doesn't happen and I'm not saying there aren't problems, but women over there aren't THAT oppressed or weak and helpless as we are lead to believe. How come no one blames Christianity for all the women abused in the United States?
- "George W. Bush is a feminist hero..." Wow, just wow.
- If by "freeing them", you mean "kill hundreds of thousands of them", then yes, he freed them. According to the Gender Inequality Index, Afghanistan ranks in the bottom 10 countries. Wow, that invasion really helped.
- This feminist hero withdrew American support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an organization whose mission is to create "a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person's potential is fulfilled" through access to birth control, because of some rumors that the funds would support China's forced abortion policies. Abortion AND China? That's a twofer!
- Bush really seemed to be buddies with the same nations you deplore for their inhumane treatment of women, *cough* Pakistan.
- "Barack Obama is a zero for leaving women in Syria to get murdered for sport." I guess our intervention in Libya never happened...
- "Global trafficking of young girls is evil. George W. Bush spoke about this throughout his presidency and took active steps to combat it. Barack Obama does not bother to wax poetic about the subject, since there are no electoral votes at stake. Once again, George W. Bush is the feminist hero on this one." Um, Obama has come out against global trafficking and is developing a plan as mentioned here, here, and here. To be fair, those stories were published after this article. So here are articles before this was written here, here, here, and here. Although I think Obama and his policies are better for women, he's no saint either. His administration refuses to admit that drones are killing civilians, even though they are.
- Any woman who spends one minute of her life harping on my lighthearted column admiring female beauty should be forced to live in Saudi Arabia for one month to be given a reality check on what misogyny really is... So to the radical feminists out there, start focusing on what actually matters.
This is by far the easiest way to feign moral superiority and ignore talking about the problem, by pretending to care about "the real issues" in the world and relegating anything under it as 'not important'. And yes, I am VERY guilty of using this technique. Looking back, I can now see how idiotic such statements are. Don't pretend to care more about something when it's barley a concern in your mind and you have not done a single God-damn thing to help in any way. This is one of the biggest asshole statements to make, especially from a man who refers to women as Yummy Bouncies. He doesn't care about the women being stoned or murdered or raped. He is using them to dodge a discussion and make himself look good. Anyone who does this is an asshole, including myself.
You might note a hint of irony in this. Or maybe a better term may be hypocrisy. I complain about a guy who receives criticism from "a nobody" and then puts in more time attacking them than they claim they are worth. Here's a nobody in my opinion, and I've written a post a thousand words longer than his. Well, we all have an opinion to share.
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