Why are Atheists so reviled in America today? According to a 2006 poll, Atheists are America’s most distrusted minority:
"Asked whether they would disapprove of a child's wish to marry an atheist, 47.6 percent of those interviewed said yes. Asked the same question about Muslims and African-Americans, the yes responses fell to 33.5 percent and 27.2 percent, respectively. The yes responses for Asian-Americans, Hispanics, Jews and conservative Christians were 18.5 percent, 18.5 percent, 11.8 percent and 6.9 percent, respectively.
"When asked which groups did not share their vision of American society, 39.5 percent of those interviewed mentioned atheists. Asked the same question about Muslims and homosexuals, the figures dropped to a slightly less depressing 26.3 percent and 22.6 percent, respectively. For Hispanics, Jews, Asian-Americans and African-Americans, they fell further to 7.6 percent, 7.4 percent, 7.0 percent and 4.6 percent, respectively."
In North Carolina, a city councilman created controversy for being atheist and the State Constitution barred non-believers of Christ from holding power (Despite what the US Constitution says). Again, why do so many people distrust these non-believers?
I have a hunch: those we see are some of the most self-righteous, arrogant, intolerant assholes ever to walk the earth. They are almost as bad as the terrorist or born-again’s or the Westborough Baptist Church. Why do I and other people have such a stick up our asses about Atheists?
American’s first impression with Atheists comes from the news. Every day it seems like they are trying to ban the Bible/prayer in school, forbid you from saying Christmas at work or school, change every minute thing associated with the government that has the word ‘God’ on it, or ban a manger scene on city property.
Just to clarify my opinions:
1. The Bible shouldn’t be taught in school, but someone should be allowed to have one if they want. You should be able to pray in school, but the school shouldn’t force anyone to pray or hold official prayers.
2. People celebrate Christmas, even Atheists. Who cares? In my opinion, I like ‘Happy Holiday’s’. You can’t say “How can two words (Merry Christmas) be offensive?” and then be offended by “Happy Holiday’s”.
3. I think ‘In God We Trust’ is a stupid motto for America. The original E Pluribus Unum (“Out of Many, One”) fits the nation’s history much better (13 States/ Rev War, Civil War, the ‘melting pot’). But if you don’t want to say the phrase ‘under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance, no one says you have to.
4. A manger scene should only be allowed on public property if other displays are allowed. Other than that they should only be put on private property. Really, why do we need one outside a courthouse? Why can’t a church put one up? “The people of the community want to display their beliefs!” THEN PUT ONE ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY! No one is against that!
Most Americans usually don’t like it when people are A) Overly P.C., and B) Lawsuit happy.
The most damning for Atheists are their attitudes. Here is one comment I found on a CNN story:
“Religion is the biggest farce ever perpetrated on mankind. Anyone who believes in or worships a make believe person needs t [sic] be locked down and separated from the people” CNN http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-474720?hpt=Sbi
Go to any other story on religion (or nothing pertaining to religion at all) and you can find comments like this.
Jesus H. Christ!* You claim that religious people are intolerant and that religion makes people intolerant??? This person is basically suggesting we should put all believers of religion in concentration camps simply because this person thinks they are right. I hate it when people compare everyone they disagree with as a ‘Nazi’, but yeah, that is definitely Nazi like thoughts. They preach tolerance but they don’t practice it.
This seems to be the way Atheists think on the internet. They think they are better than everyone else because they don’t believe in “a wizard that lives in the sky”. Anyone who believes in God (85%-90% of the world population) is a stupid caveman that needs to wake up. They constantly quote stats saying ‘Atheists are smarter than believers’ and rub it in your face that they are atheists and therefore smarter than you. (Here is a fact: Atheists are more likely to commit suicide!).
Most Atheists in America are more anti-Judeo-Christianity than anti-religion. They are more or less revolting against what they know and grew up with, so it’s Christianity that they take offense to. We need to respect Hinduism and Islam but crap on Christianity.
When you think about it, Atheism is a religion, with a lot of fundamentalist followers. I have been fighting this notion for years but I just can’t fight it anymore; Atheism is a religion. They have sacred texts (any book by Richard Dawkins or Stephen Hawking), have core beliefs (THERE IS NO GOD, science will solve explain everything), and has many followers ~2% of world population (.2% of the world is Jewish).
Now, I have been picking on Atheists a bit too much. Not all atheists are bad. For every crazy one out there, you probably have 50 good ones. Most aren’t in your face about their beliefs and aren’t intolerant of those who do believe in God or a higher power. It’s just like with all organized religions; you get your crazies. Don’t let a bad apple ruin the bunch. It’s just that the crazies get all the attention and it’s the crazies that drive me crazy!
So, my point is this: Don’t let the fanatical Atheists paint the picture of all Atheists. It doesn’t matter what you believe or don’t believe. I’m having a hard time trying to end this post without repeating myself or sounding anti-atheist. You get my point, right?
Boy, three posts in one day. Maybe Daylight Savings isn't so bad...
*‘H’ stands for ‘Herbie’
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