Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I feel young again.

Here is a shout-out to my good college friend Gabe.

Thank you so much for the Nintendo and Super Nintendo! I am enjoying the SNES very much! I don’t have a controller for the NES yet, so I can’t play the few games I have. I do have the wires though (the SNES power adapter works with both).

To be honest, I don’t like Super Mario World, yet. It’s too hard for me. Never growing up with it, I don’t know all the ins and outs of it. The controls are a little odd for me. I’m sure if I give it some time, I will like it and become good at it.

Winter Games stink. With no manual, I have no idea how to play the games.

The Super Game Boy doesn’t work. I don’t know if it’s the Kirby game or the thing itself.

I have been expanding my library for the SNES. I bought Mario Kart and Super Mario All Stars, the first three NES games (plus the original SMB 2 in Japan) with updated graphics. Today I just got Super Castlevania 4! (or is it Super Castlevania or Castlevania 4?).

On to the unplayable NES games. I got a good two-for-one deal on the first two Zelda games. They are in nice condition. The ‘piece de la resistance’ is Winter Games, of AVGN fame! http://www.cinemassacre.com/2009/12/25/winter-games/ <Warning! Those unfamiliar with the Angry Video Game Nerd: foul language!>

The best part is that I have the original box and manual with it! (Also in the box were cheat codes for another game by the seller…) It actually does explain how to play the games! I’m pretty sure the Nerd had a different cartridge at the end of his video. Mine doesn’t say “Don not hit or drop cartridge” or “Do not attempt to disassemble”. I now have Winter Games for the NES, SNES, and Atari 2600.

So, thanks again Gabe! If you or anyone else has a suggestion for a game I should add to my library, just send me a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Hey man! I'm so glad to hear you're getting some good mileage out of it - AllStars is, of course, a must, so I'm glad you're rockin' that. Link to the Past is also excellent, and if you're feeling bold, Mega Man X is great (although I don't know if it's your type of game). The same goes for Tecmo Super Bowl - those were always some of my favorite games. In terms of RPGs, Breath of Fire I & II are fantastic and Final Fantasy III is amazing (probably the best one... also note that it's truly Final Fantasy VI, but they didn't release three of the original 6 in America until down the line, so it's technically III on the snes). It just occurs to e that I totally shoulda given you my PSone, too, as that's got some great games on it, and I can play my files on my PS2 or make new games on the PS3...

    Maybe next time, if you're interested...

    Hope all is well!
