Friday, November 5, 2010

More Whoppers than at a Burger King

Some may have heard that Obama’s trip to Asia will cost $200 million a day. The 11 day trip will cost $2 Billion. To put that in perspective, Afghanistan costs $190 million a day. Seeing the two figures should automatically make you go “Gee, I think Obama’s trip estimate may be off!” You are right.

The claim came from one unnamed source in India, the first nation Obama will visit. People like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have ran with this. “Check sources? What’s that?” Dumbass Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann made the claim on CNN, after being asked if she would consider cutting funds for Medicare:

Did I miss something?

AC: “Will you cut money for Medicare?”

DA: “Obama’s trip will cost $200 million a day!”

Now that non sequitur was so bad it gave me cancer! (seriously? you don't recognize non sequitir?)

One site commenting on this story was “Vision to America”

For some reason, I posted a comment to try and set the record straight.

I’m sure my comment will be removed because it doesn’t fit in with what they want to hear. All other comments were like “Obama is a hypocrite!” and “Keep him there!” (Some commenter’s think he is going to Africa. Shows how well informed they are…) Of course, it is all right (alright?) to delete a liberal comment, but when an ignorant, hate-filled conservative comment made on a story like “Cute puppy saves Adorable Baby in Maine” is deleted, the liberal-elite media is at it again. Instead of saying you are ‘fair and balanced’ and want both sides addressed, could you just come out and say “We are biased”? I will respect you more for being honest than pretending to be something you’re not.

As I digress.

This bothers me a lot. I hate it when Holy Shit! Does Afghanistan really cost $1.3 Billion a week? I just figured that out! Jesus Christ man!

Sorry. I’m a bit slow.

I hate it when some rumor or concept or phrase is said and everyone believes it. “Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya”, “The stimulus saved/created no jobs”, “This was an anti-incumbent election”, “We will not see another October with Five Friday’s, Saturday’s, and Sunday’s for another 800+ years”.

According to psychology, if something is repeated so many times, people will believe it is true. Unfortunately, Conservatives are really good at making shit up and repeating it. Why do 1/5 of Americans believe Obama is Muslim? Because every day for a year and a half it was blasted on every TV, Radio, or website.

You know what; let’s make up crap about conservatives.

How about this? Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Go post this on every CNN story you can find. Drop it in casual conversation. Tell the person next to you at the urinal (or stall for you ladies). Seriously, let us start a rumor to see if it spreads (I mean no harm to Mr. Boehner. I may not like his politics, but I am not trying to tarnish his image. What I am saying is not based on any known fact.)

Just remember:
Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office. Future House Speaker John Boehner will spend $10 million to renovate his new office.

Is it true yet?

*Update* It is 200 Million Rupees a day, or 4.5 Million US Dollars.

1 comment:

  1. you know they have those books, 'how to do france on $10 a day" or something like that? i want to do asia on $200 million a day. golden toilet seats!
    wait. this is in rupees? and in india? damn. they don't even have toilet seats there. sigh.
