Sunday, October 10, 2010

What the Hell is an Elite?

What is an elite and why is it always used by Conservatives/Republicans to describe Liberals/Democrats?

According to the fine people of Wikipedia:
"Elitism endorses the exclusion of large numbers of people from positions of privilege or power. Thus, many populists seek the social equality of egalitarianism, populism, socialism, or communism. They may also support affirmative action, social security, luxury taxes, and highly progressive taxes for the wealthiest members of society. All of these measures seek to reduce the difference of power between the elite and the ordinary. Nevertheless, some people consider such movements to be elitist, as well."

So my question is this: How are Dems/Libs both Socialist and Elitist? Isn't it a contradiction? It looks as if Democrats are very anti-elite.

Now don't get me wrong, anyone can act snobby. Liberals from Ithaca would come out to father's farm when he was a kid to view how the other half lives and pity them. My father knew that his grand-father had more money they those snotty city-folk could imagine.

But my point is this; Conservatives are always complaining that Liberals are elitist. It is a two-way street. Both ideologies can be an elitist.

How in the mother of God did Republicans portray George W. Bush as a common man? He is from a political dynasty, was owner of a baseball team, owner of an oil company, gotten out of the draft, and Governor of Texas. HE IS AN ELITE! He may not have acted like it, but he was!

You know what? Elites founded this nation. You think a majority of our Founding Father's were poor farmers who owned one acre of land? NO! They were "wealthy" land owners and those from the south owned slaves. (I put wealthy in quotes because they were often land poor, owning lots of valuable land but owing a lot of money to debtors). Our founders feared the common man. They knew that people were emotional beings and things like fear could drive them to do stupid things. Why do you think we have the Electoral College? Our Founders wanted elites running the show because they were the only ones educated enough in enlightenment principles to run a nation.

'Elite' is just a phrase Republicans like to throw around like 'socialist', they have no idea what it means anymore. Need to drum up support without actually saying anything of substance? Call them an Elite!

1 comment:

  1. i dunno, if you own, or manage, or are bffs with anyone who owns or manages a baseball team, you're part of the elite. that is my new standard of elitism.
    but then again, the most recent census DID say that those po' folk who want their guns to shoot the gays and the muslims but most specifically the gay muslims ALSO own baseball teams, so really gwb is just one of us. ahhhh, one of us.
