Monday, February 28, 2011

The 'L' word...

Even though I consider myself left leaning, full fledged Liberals drive me nuts. Nothing could sum this up better than my experiences in Sociology class in college.

One specific thing that annoyed me was the way Liberals complain about something and then praise it. Also, they get their priorities mixed up.

For example, we the class were informed that the media is controlled by corporations. In 1999, some anti-globalization protests against the World Trade Organization meeting turned into a riot. ABC did not cover the event for a few days as Disney, the parent company of ABC, thought it would make them look bad. Evil corporations are suppressing the truth!!!

Then a few months later, we learned about working Mexican women being raped and murdered and the police and government didn’t give a crap (typical response from politician was “they were asking for it because of the way they were dressed”. That would get you kicked out of office in America.)

(or should I say…In America!)
When ABC was not covering the WTO protests, they were covering this.
Well, wait a minute… wasn’t this good that ABC was covering this instead of a bunch of whiny white middle-class slackers smashing in the windows of stores with their Nike sneakers? ABC helped to bring about a story that was under the radar. Women were being raped and killed and no one in the Mexican government cared. And yet, to Liberals the spoiled white kids throwing a tantrum is more important because CORPORATIONS ARE F@CKING EVIL!!!
The next is the spoiled, self-righteous, condescending, know-it-all feeling of Liberals, particularly when it comes to bicycles.
My Professor and her friends like to ride their bikes. They like to organize large-scale bike rides around cities, and act if they were the only freakin’ ones in the world that had permission to use the roads. Yes, bikes have a right to the roads. But, you DO NOT have the right to slow down and block faster moving traffic. That is not my opinion either,
Any vehicle which is going slower than the normal speed of traffic must be driven in the right-hand lane or at the right hand side of the road, unless it is passing traffic moving in the same direction or preparing for a left turn.
Bicycles do about 13-15 mph. Average city speed limits are 25-35 mph. Move your ass! Yes, cars should watch out for bicyclists and should not drive in a way to endanger them. But if you want to be treated equally on the roads, stop acting smug and follow the damn traffic laws!
I also loved the story about a bike ride that ended with arrests because the bikers felt the need to harass the police.
It started when the bikers were going to travel all around Buffalo, NY. A couple of young kids (8 or 10?) joined in with the group near the end. As I said, the group would be traveling around the city of Buffalo, miles of city streets. So the Buffalo police, concerned for the children’s safety, (kids could have been hit by a car, could have gotten lost, could have gotten tired) arrived and asked the kids to go home or escorted them back or whatever. The story was told four years ago, so who remembers? Anyway, the news reached the front of the group and they decided to turn back and confront the police. After not understanding the simple logic of “you can ride your bikes as planned but we fear for the safety of the kids”, they start getting into arguments with the police.
It’s hot, you want to be doing something important, and now you have a bunch of whiny bikers asking you philosophical questions about the law. Of course arrests are going to be made as they get more vocal, threatening, and uncooperative. The Professor’s friend was arrested for resisting arrest, in which her still pictures clearly proved his innocence. Kind of. The Prof mentioned all he was doing was “asking philosophical questions about the law” while someone was being arrested and then he was arrested.

A person is guilty of resisting arrest when he intentionally prevents or attempts to prevent a police officer or peace officer from effecting an authorized arrest of himself or another person.

You can make a slight case for this as he was kind of trying to stop an arrest while he was not physically doing so.
I hate Liberal self-righteous smugness. This image has so permeated politics that labeling anything “Liberal” makes it bad. Just ask Dukakis. So please Liberals, stop it. You have a lot of good ideas that will go nowhere if they are associated with you.

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