If you want to be a Liberal, here is one tip: Hate random things.
Just look around your room and find something to hate. Oh look a bottle of water. Hate it. Hate it NOW!
Over think everything about it. “Why do I need to buy water from some corporation when I have a faucet? It’s just tap water. The Plastic can kill you; I read it in an email. They take a million years to decompose!”
Next, act smug. “Consumerist pigs are such gullible sheep! I use a ‘green’ bottle made from corn that I bought at an earth-friendly store. It cost me $120, but it was worth it!”
Now go out and start yelling into people’s faces about the evils of bottle water. Give them taste tests that prove that bottled water is just tap water!
Really? Bottled Water? Is this really something to get bent out of shape over?
“It’s just tap water!”
Most companies probably don’t get their water from a spring in Vermont. I don’t like false advertising, but as long as they aren’t overly exaggerating anything, who cares?
I really thought we as a society had moved past this…
“Why do I need to buy water from some corporation when I have a faucet?!”
If you don’t have your own water bottle, this is convenient. How many street vendors have access to a faucet? How hard/expensive would it be to have a huge jug of water to dispense from for a vendor? If they did, you would be complaining about the Styrofoam or paper cups they would use to serve the water.
This image might seem silly, but what if you needed water on the go and don’t have your own water bottle?
Also, what if you don’t have access to fresh water from a tap? You know, like in JAPAN? Radiation made drinking tap water unsafe for babies. Or how about Africa and India? These places don’t have access to indoor plumbing or clean water. Until that can be delivered, bottled water is the best chance a lot of impoverished people can get clean water. Or what about after any disaster in any part of the world? Clean water is scarce, in comes the bottled water! What about the homeless?
“They take a million years to decompose!”
Maybe not that long, but yes, plastic bottles will be around for many years. Tons of Plastic is currently floating in the middle of the Pacific. But is that the plastics fault? We humans developed plastic to be around for a long time. Lots of us choose to litter and not recycle. We CAN recycle if we wanted to and fix this problem.
“The Plastic can kill you!”
Snopes.com gives a good answer here.
With everything wrong in the world, why do Liberals have to complain about every little thing? Bottled Water is evil? What about slavery? That does still exist in the world. Or what about human sex trafficking? Dictators? AIDS?
Next you will be telling me Coke is Evil…
Yeah - I am not against bottled water on a global scale, but in a nation (ours) where our tap water is completely safe and we're already paying for it, the notion that bottled water is better makes me frustrated (because it isn't) and the fact that there's an amazing amount of both industrial and economic waste on both sides is just socially embarrassing to me. Really, it's just the people who "can't" drink tap water because it's 'not good enough for them' when they've got it all wrong is the part that bothers me - it's that people don't appreciate what they have when there are countries (see the ones mentioned above, etc.) that actually DO need it. It just seems backward when you read about countries where (my memory's a little hazy here - I read/watched about this two years ago) the government is exorbitantly charging people for and withholding water that is practically free in most other countries... That's when I'm bothered by the fact that Americans take their water for granted so much that what's good and clear and free isn't good enough.
ReplyDeleteYeah. I should have mentioned some of your points, as I do feel that way. Bottled water isn't "better" for us and I hate those people who wash their cars with it. We should be fortunate hat we have clean and accessible fresh water. I just hate the snobs that look down on me at a fair or re-enactment because I bought water from a vendor/sutler.