Saturday, March 5, 2011

I h8 Huckabees

Well, I’m finding a new Republican that has gone off the deep-end; Mike Huckabee. Mike Huckabee was governor of Arkansas, a Baptist preacher, and lost a lot of weight (making him one of the few Republicans to support Michelle Obama’s healthy eating initiative’s). He came out of nowhere in 2008 to win the Iowa Caucuses and stayed in the race longer than Mitt Romney. He was the focus of the Colbert-Conan-Stewart feud during the writer’s strike of ‘07-’08.

I really liked Huckabee. I wouldn’t vote for him as I thought he was too religious. But he had a good sense of humor (my exposure of him came from the Daily Show), he seemed kind and compassionate, and I respected the personal initiative he took to lose weight. His stance on “pro-life” expanded the typical conservative definition and included the fight for a child’s life after birth; a clean environment, good schools, and access to healthcare.

But recently, this man has gone crazy. A few days ago, he attacked Obama for his upbringing, and wants to know where he comes from (politically speaking). He incorrectly claimed Obama grew up in Kenya. His comments seem to be echoing Dinesh D’Souza’s argument that Kenyan politics shaped Obama’s radical anti-colonial/American beliefs.

I’ll get back to Huckabee in a second.

For you D’Souza,

One, Obama’s father left him when he was two and he met him briefly again when he was 10. How did such a his father who was vacant in his life influence him so much? Because Obama’s book is called Dreams from my Father. Clearly that means Obama took his beliefs from his dad. Also, according to The American Thinker, five years is not enough time for Obama to write a book which means he didn't write it. But that's another story...

And Two, a lot of people are anti-colonial, anti-imperialist, anti-interference. A lot of people on the left and right (those darn Libertarians) do not like America’s involvement in world affairs. The first thing you see when you enter Maryland south on Route 15 are two “Get US out of U.N.!” Why two? They probably forgot they had one up. In fact, Republicans were highly critical of Clinton’s foreign policy in the 1990s. They didn’t think it was necessary for the US to be involved in affairs that didn’t impact us.

Dinesh D’Souza, take your conspiracy theories elsewhere and shut up.

Back to Huckabee.

In another story, CNN reportsMike Huckabee says that President Barack Obama has a ‘different world view’ that was ‘molded out of a very different experience’ because ‘most of us grew up going to boy scout meetings, and, you know, our communities were filled with rotary clubs, not Madrassas.’”

If you don’t have a traditional American upbringing, you’re a radical anti-American! Huckabee stated he misspoke about Kenya and meant Indonesia, where Obama did spend a few years there. (Of course, how would that explain the mention of the Mau Mau rebellion that happened in Kenya, that he claimed influenced Obama’s father...)

Three things I would like to bring up about Madrassas:

1. Obama never did attend a Madrassa. He attended an international school.
2. Madrassas can be secular or religious. They do not all have to teach strict Islamic beliefs. It can refer to any educational building.
3. Even if they were all religious schools, how the hell is a Madrassa different from a Catholic school in the US?

After attacking Obama, Huckabee moved on to Natalie Portman.

One of the things that's troubling is that people see a Natalie Portman or some other Hollywood starlet who boasts of, 'Hey look, you know, we're having children, we're not married, but we're having these children,' and they're doing just fine,'…

Not everybody hires nannies, and caretakers, and nurses…Most single moms are very poor, uneducated, can't get a job, and if it weren't for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death and never have health care. And that's the story that we're not seeing, and it's unfortunate that we glorify and glamorize the idea of out of children wedlock.

Why does this remind me of Dan Quayle?

Portman is pregnant, but she is engaged to be married. But it doesn’t help that she and Hollywood are encouraging this reckless behavior!

Of course, teenage pregnancy has declined since 1988 (I know I provided you with a link claiming it is rising again. The point is it has been falling for over 15 years).

And more people than ever between 15 and 24 have remained virgins according to a recent study just released. (Also, women without a high school degree are more likely to have a same-sex encounter than women with college degrees! Take that, those who think college encourages homosexuality!)

Looks like Huckabee is just trying to scare up his supporters. Who needs facts and legitimate arguments when fear is what it takes to get the voters to the polls?


  1. Hi Again,
    This is actually the post that brought me to your blog so I couldn't leave without commenting on it. I hope you don't mind....

    On to my comments.

    1.) I am not going to really comment on Huckabee's whole Kenya slip up. Okay, so maybe I am.... I, of course, give the guy the benefit of the doubt and legitimately think he slipped up when he said Kenya instead of Indonesia. But I am Republican and so it is probably human nature for me to give him the benefit of the doubt while you are ready to lynch him for saying it. It is kind of like when Obama referred to "all 57 states". I thought it was ridiculous that he didn't know how many states there were and you probably assumed he made a slip of the tongue.

    With regards to your comment on how Obama's father could have an impact on Obama's life when he wasn't there - well I didn't grow up with my father. My parents were divorced when I was very young. I saw my dad once when I was 8 and then again when I was almost 17. He still did/does have an impact on my life.

    To be continued....(I ran out of room)

  2. So disappointed that you deleted the second half of my comment...
