Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ding Dong the witch get the rest

Well we finally got Osama bin Laden. And boy, are there a lot of things to discuss.

Should we ever celebrate a death?

In this case, yes. I didn’t like what was written in the New York Times comparing the celebrations of his death to the celebrations of 9/11 in the anti-American world, ending with a cheesy “who is the real monster” line. I’m sorry, but people celebrating after 9/11 were celebrating the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent people being killed. We were celebrating the death of the mastermind behind the mass murder. There is NO comparison. Are you telling me that I shouldn’t want Hitler or Stalin dead? If a diverse group of people across ideological, religious, and national lines does not like someone, I think it’s ok to want them dead…

We should never wish for someone to die in most cases. Just because someone irritates you, doesn’t mean you should want them dead. I hate Michael Moore and Ann Coulter, but I do not want them dead (just for them to shut up). But bin Laden was more than an irritation; he was a terrorist who murdered many people under his bullshit distorted religious beliefs and had no sympathy whatsoever. You can argue about how the US drove him to terrorism blah blah blah, but that doesn’t excuse him or his actions. The British could have driven Gandhi insane, but he chose non violence to free a country.

Should we ever celebrate a death?

Even though we should be happy bin Laden is dead, I don’t think we should be celebrating it. It seems a little tacky to be out in the streets like it was VE day.

Osama bin Laden is Dead! This justifies an unwanted sexual advance!

I think a solemn remembrance of his victims is the best way to ‘celebrate’ his death. We also need to remember that this will not end the war on terror. As much as I liked the coverage by The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, I wish they toned it down a little.

Should we release the picture of the dead bin Laden?

Sure, why the hell not? It might inflame the terrorists! I think killing their leader has inflamed them enough. We released the photos of Saddam Hussein’s sons without incident. Of course if cartoons and a book can get people all riled up, maybe it is for the best. I don’t know. I am sick of this attitude of sacrificing the 1st Amendment to not piss off people who already want us dead. As long as we do it tastefully and not gloat, we can release them. Of course releasing the photo’s won’t silence all the conspiracy theorists, but not releasing it and changing the official story and not having the actual body and somehow conducting a DNA test in less than 24 hours (I guess this is not that unusual anymore, just look at this site that uses ‘used’ in place of ‘use to’!) will make some of the most logical people doubt the government (70% of people do not think Oswald acted alone in the assassination of JFK).

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