Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Abortion reared its ugly prematurely terminated head yesterday.

An ad came on last night about abortion. A woman (Missy Reilly Smith) talked about the progression of a fetus and then stated ‘we need to make baby murder illegal again’. Supposedly, bloody dismembered fetuses were shown in the ad (I was preparing something in the kitchen and did not see the end of the ad). By law, the network had to air it.

Basically, Smith is some anti-abortion extremist nut job. She is running as the Republican candidate for DC delegate against a very popular incumbent (Eleanor Holmes Norton). She didn’t even mention what she was running for in the advertisement. She ran in a race she knew she would lose so she could air gruesome images protected under federal law. What a bitch.

Actually, the ad didn’t just play, it was proceeded and followed by “We are so sorry for this. It is not our fault, we have to under law. If you want to complain, here is her phone number and email address.”

At first, I thought the disclaimer was a joke. I thought the ad was “the debt is so high, it is offensive!” ‘Ha ha ha, that’s kind of funny…the first time’ kind of ad. But no, it was not a joke at all.

This woman is a Pumpkin-Assed Forehead Eyeball Monster. You can’t and don’t want to reason with her. You can show a bloody fetus (9 times out of 10 it is an image of a miscarriage) but you can’t show a gun firing in a comic strip (I can't for the life of me find that Dilbert strip) or an ass on prime time (an actual butt, not reality TV stars)


  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1323975/YouTube-ban-Missy-Reilly-Smiths-graphic-anti-abortion-adverts.html

    You know it's bad when Youtube essentially says, "There's no friggin' way we're allowing that." That's just disgusting and egregious.

  2. Wanna see a different kind of unsettling (but in this case, down right hilarious) ad?

