I will never get “The Vagina Monologues”. As a man, I guess it is against my biology to understand why my college felt the need to have this play every semester.
I will never understand why man-on-woman rape is wrong but woman-on-woman rape is “good rape”.
I will never understand why a vagina needs a million different nick-names.
I will never understand why it is empowering for women to have a vagina but yet I am a chauvinistic, misogynistic, pig when I am proud to have a penis.
I am a man. I don’t care. You might be a woman. It doesn’t matter to me. You are a human being worthy of respect. I do understand that men and women are biologically different and their “parts” serve different purposes. I do understand that society has created a certain set of guidelines in how both genders should act.
Maybe we need to stop shouting at each other over what our differences are. Maybe this is why I and many other men don’t understand the ‘Monologues’. How can you complain that people only see you as a woman and then say, ‘Hey? Look at me! I’m a woman!’ How are women going to break the glass ceiling when they keep shouting “I AM A WOMAN! I AM DIFFERENT FROM YOU! TREAT ME DIFFERENTLY!”?
This is how people like Phyllis Schlafly sprung up. Mainstream America got fed up with feminism turning into a “cult of the Woman-Pipes” and didn’t want ‘he’ and ‘she’ changed to ‘zhe’ or ‘ze’ or whatever. Far-Left, meet Far-Right!
Please, stop focusing on how we are so different. I have a penis. You have a vagina. The world keeps on spinning. Let’s move on.
I feel bad that I may be alienating some of my friends and family by writing this. I truly respect their opinions and would feel bad if I for any reason really upset them with this post. I am sorry, but this is my opinion, my point of view. I felt so passionate about this that I got out of bed and turned my computer back on just to write this. Like I said, as a man, maybe I will just never, ever understand this. I don’t think my ignorance can ever be absolved.
For those of you participating in the ‘Monologues’, good luck and have fun.
Can't believe I missed this one...
ReplyDeleteNow, it is important to remember that women, touting the same credentials as men, will make less in their life time. A pretty woman who is less qualified is more likely to be hired for a job than a less-attractive woman with better credentials. Society still tells us that women are supposed to be soft, feminine, pretty, like the color pink, play with dolls, become a teacher, blah blah blah.
I don't care for the Monolouges myself, yes I understand why this play exists, but I just don't like it. I think it is so over the top and in your face because women were always taught a sense of shame and dirtiness regarding their "pipes" when men are taught to strut your penis all around town so women are picking up on that male "can-do" attitude.
UB puts on the play, too.
And I am 100% okay with my lady bits and being a woman and asserting my sexuality, but I don't see the need to get up in front of a bunch of people and talk about my yonni cooing and swooning. Like really, wtf.
Or, wtf when GAY MEN get all giggly over this, you can't perform in the Monolouges because you don't have a vagina, so I don't want to hear it. Sit down and stfu.
Uh....I was going somewhere with this...
Oh right, this: Please, stop focusing on how we are so different. I have a penis. You have a vagina. The world keeps on spinning. Let’s move on.
Reminds me of the Rammstein song, "Pussy." You have a pussy, I have a dick. So what's the problem? Let's do it quick!
ROFL. Really, who cares. This stuff makes me tired.
All my guy friends say they don't trust something the bleeds for a week but doesn't die. Chew on that one.